Growing in Wisdom,Wealth and Faith

Category: investments

  • Faith-Based Investing: The Best Guide to a Social Focus Return

    What is Faith-Based Investing? Faith-based investing involves aligning financial investments with an investor’s moral values. The investor does ethical screening on a company based on their individual religious beliefs.   For Christians, this often means selecting investments that adhere to biblical principles.   Businesses that engage in practices contrary to Christian ethics are usually avoided.…

  • Real Estate Micro-investing:How to Best Attract Your Blessings

    Real estate micro-investing involves pooling small amounts of money with other investors. And therefore, together, you invest in properties. This particular approach eases the burden of shouldering the property ownership on investors. Thus it opens the door for individuals to participate in real estate ventures. So, beyond the financial returns, believers always seek blessings. These…

  • Micro Investment; A Beginner’s Guide On How To Invest Small Amounts of Money.

    Micro Investment; A Beginner’s Guide On How To Invest Small Amounts of Money.

    What is Micro Investment Micro Investment refers to investing money accumulated through regular saving of small amounts for a period of time .The investor does not wait to have a lump sum so as to invest at once. You can find micro investment opportunities in purchasing securities through mutual funds, stocks, ETFs,(Exchange Traded Funds)and REITs…

  • Investment Calculator: How to best Determine Percentage Gain/Loss

    Investment Calculator: How to best Determine Percentage Gain/Loss

    An investment calculator enables you to determine if you are making a gain or a loss from your investment, and usually the calculation is done in percentage. To work out these, you will need your initial purchase price, or simply your original amount for the investment, and the selling price of the investment. Since your…

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