Posts by sheila

spending habits

Spending Habits; Money Behaviors To Watch Out for Wealth

Spending habits are ways you choose to spend your money, whether planned for in a budget or[…]

digital payments options

Digital Payments ;Why Digital Wallet is the Best for Wealth

Digital payments, also known as e-payments, refer to the transfer of money from a payer’s account to[…]

investment calculator for gain and loss

Investment Calculator: How to best Determine Percentage Gain/Loss

An investment calculator enables you to determine if you are making a gain or a loss from[…]


Savings:How to Open and Operate Your High-Yield Savings Account in Kenya

What are Savings Savings is that money that you set a side  for your future use.Savings can[…]

kra itax

Kra itax: How to Best File Income Tax Returns

Kra itax is an online portal where you can log in and access Kra services at your[…]


Budget: Basic Principles To Make Your Personal Budget for wealth

A budget is simply an estimate of how much you make, i.e., income, and how much you[…]

A Parent Guiding a Kid on How to Make Money Online

How to Make Money Online : Your Ultimate Parental Guide for Kids Ages 1-18 years

It is so much easier nowadays for kids to make money online thanks to internet connectivity and[…]

an illustration on bulding wealth

Building Wealth:The Best Ultimate Pathway to Your Financial Security

What are the Principles of Building wealth? Some of the basic principles of building wealth include investing[…]

money mindset

How To Best Develop A Financial Abundance Mindset For Wealth

A mindset is a set of beliefs or attitudes that one has toward something. Your money mindset[…]

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